
鎌倉時代(1185-1333) 鎌倉彫の起源



Kamakura period (1185-1333) The Incunabula of Kamakurabori

The production of Kamakurabori started when the military government was established and active absorption of Chinese culture began

The Shogun, Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, established a military government in Kamakura, and later a unique warrior’s culture formed. In this period, the Chinese Song dynasty culture and Zen Buddhist culture were actively adopted and Kenchoji Temple (1253) and Engakuji Temple (1282) were established in Kamakura. Also, the choshikki (lacquer-ware, applying urushi lacquer several times and sculpting the designs) imported from Song dynasty China were highly prized as Buddhist altar fittings. It is said the origin of the Kamakurabori was started by the busshi, the sculptors specializing in Buddhist images and Buddhist alter fittings, based on their high skill at wood sculpturing with the great influence of choshitsu, the imported technique of carved lacquer-ware. The origin of he distinctive Kamakurabori technique can be observed in the Buddhist alter fittings, such as Sumeru altars and altar tables in Zen Buddhist Temples.

室町〜桃山時代 (1336-1603) 鎌倉彫の確立




Muromachi ~ Momoyama period(1336-1603) The Establishment of Kamakurabori

During Muromachi period, many Buddhist altar fittings were produced. During the early period of his time, the style was greatly influenced by the imported Chinese goods but later, as the style gradually developed, the unique Japanese style of Kamakurabori was established

Even after the fall of the Kamakura military government, the demand for imported Chinese goods continued among Zen temples. Many Buddhist alter fittings of Kamakurabori style, with the great influence of the imported goods, were created. There were many incense cases with the pattern mainly of guri (spiral pattern), and peony patterns, and a large sum of works still exist today. Among these works, on the surface of the large incense case with guri design from the collection of Konrenji Temple, the year of production “Bunmei 13 (1481)” was engraved and it is the oldest Kamakurabori work that has an inscription. Also the large incense cases of Nanzenji Temple, Chionji Temple, and Engakuji-Temple have been passed down throughout the generations even to this day.

From these works, it is obvious that while the works were greatly influenced by the imported goods from China, the Japanese style was also cultivated, and eventually, the unique Japanese Kamakurabori was established.

From late Muromachi to Momoyama period, the colored wood engraving oi, or carry boxes for the mountaineering ascetics were spread from fukushima area to the northen Japan, and almost all of them have bold camellia design. The existing oi works are recognized as important works demonstrating the typical example of camellia pattern.

江戸時代(1603-1868) 鎌倉彫の大衆化



Edo period (1603-1868) Popularization of Kamakurabori

During Edo period, as the culture of commoners prospered, Kamakurabori was also popularized, and a large number of everyday commodities and utensils for tea ceremony were produced.

During the previous period, Kamakurabori ware was produced only for temples and shrines. However, during the Edo period, people such as wealthy merchants started to use Kamakurabori, and eventually every class of people used it. Everyday commodities such as braziers and hand warmers were produced in the style of Kamakurabori. Also during this period, as the culture of a tea ceremony became widely popular, the Kamakurabori utensils for tea ceremony, such as incense cases, tea ware, trays and tea boxes were produced with tea masters’ tastes. The names and descriptions of Kamakurabori appeared in the manual of arts and crafts, “Manpo Zensho”, published Genroku 7 (1694) and this suggests, Kamakurabori was already widely recognized at least at this point.

明治~大正時代(1868-1926) 近代鎌倉彫の誕生



Meiji~Taisho period (1868-1926 The Birth of Modern Kamakurabori

After the policy of “The Separation of Shinto from Buddhism” passed and as anti-Buddhist circumstances prevailed, the sculptors of Buddhist images changed their jobs to the production of Kamakurabori, establishing the foundations of contemporary Kamakurabori by pursuing innovative designs and techniques

After the Meiji Restoration, as a result of the Separation of Shinto from Buddhism policy, many sculptors engaged in the production of Buddhist statues lost their jobs. In the case of Kamakurabori, only the Goto and Mitsuhashi families survived. The sculptors of the two families pursued a new style of Kamakurabori which could be used for everyday life in the midst of this turning point. The sculptors actively presented their works through both domestic and international exhibitions. As a result, these works were highly acclaimed and people were attracted by the distinctive characteristic of Kamakurabori, which led to the re-evaluation of Kamakurabori. As a consequence, Kamakurabori enlarged its market. In the design, the consciously realistic expression became distinctive. Also, by experimenting with various techniques of applying urushi and carving, such as hikuchi-nuri, the foundation of contemporary Kamakurabori was established. As the Yokosuka train line started to operate, Kamakura as a resort, attracted people’s interest, increasing the fun, and eventually, the production of Kamakurabori was broadly developed.




Showa period ~ Contemporary (1926~) The Development of Modern Kamakurabori

With the rapid economic growth of the post war period, Kamakurabori was established as an industry, searching for new designs and expressions.

Going through the postwar recovery period, during the years of rapid economic growth, Japan prospered with material goods. During this period and based on the skills established during Meiji period, Kamakurabori heightened its production. Alongside the professionals, common people started to enjoy Kamakurabori as a hobby, and as a result the population who produced Kamakurabori increased. In 1979, Kamakurabori was recognized as a Japanese Traditional Handicraft by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. While the lifestyle of Japanese people is more and more westernized, Kamakurabori broadens its possibility with the products created with new designs, carvings and lacquering expressions and establishing its status as a celebrated artistic craft.
